
Monday, 15 April 2013

See How This Thief Used A Chopstick And Stole A Woman's Phone

The thief runs edges closer to the unsuspecting woman. The busy road does not deter the brazen crook

A cunning pickpocket in China has been caught on camera stealing a phone using a pair of chopsticks.

Wang Hongbo, 32, was snapped lifting the phone from a woman’s pocket as she cycled through Zhengzhou, the capital of central China’s Henan province.

Photographs show him running after the unsuspecting cyclist along a busy road.....continue

Hongbo gets close enough to put the chopsticks into the woman's pocket in Zhengzhou in China's Henan Province. She continues to cycle obliviously

The thief was later seen examining his ill-gotten gains before selling the phone, which is thought to be an iPhone, in a nearby second hand shop.

A passer-by caught him in the act and photographed the whole incident unfolding. He later posted the pictures online.

Wang Hongbo walks off clutching a phone, which looks like an iPhone, which later goes on to sell

Pressured by the circulating news reports after his picture was widely circulated, Hangbo contacted a local journalist, who recorded his story and accompanied him when he turned himself into police.
According to the Shanghaiist, a lifestyle website in Shanghai, Hangbo turned to stealing because he was struggling to raise his 12-year-old child alone.


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